In Bad Grid sites grid power is not available continuously and even if it is available, it is not of good quality, so DG Run Hours & Fuel consumption is very high. DG – Battery Hybrid solution is designed for the Non EB or bad Grid Outdoor sites where Grid power is not available or even if available it is not for long time & of usable quality & DG Run Hours & Fuel consumption is very high .
This system is designed with Advanced designed battery (C&D), which can support the Partial state of charging with high charging current, which helps to reduce the DG run hours and its optimum loading utilization, which is controlled by High end controller to avoid the DG overloading. This helps to reduce the DG run hours & its fuel consumption with its advanced feature.
In this system DG & Battery delivers the power alternately to fulfill the Power requirement of Telecom Load.
DG-Battery Hybrid Solution